Will Body Jewelry Make Your Good Kid Bad?

Posted by naharazizi on Thursday, September 22, 2011

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Every day I am more and more amazed at how quickly my daughter grow. It seems like the last time I looked, she was eight. Now she goes to fifteen. I am so proud of the young people it becomes. It was an excellent student and a good athlete and wants to go far in life. So, when he shows interest, or behaviors that are actually very common for children her age, I was shocked and find themselves unable to handle their feelings.

It seems that many of your friends' progress from a standard ear piercing to other forms of body jewelry. I saw a girl with a tragus and the other with the eyebrow ring. While these forms of decorations will not be granted for my daughter's coach, still longs for the other more questionable body jewelry.

where her father and I struggle with the notion of restricting her from something she obviously thinks is important. Would not that seem like a punishment for a child who stands out and performs in almost everything we do not? It would be easier to say "no" to the body jewelry if you are a poor student and must constantly be talking about his behavior and attitude. This is not the case here.

On the other hand, parents are not to be friends. Parenting is parenting, and sometimes that means standing firm with the rules you think will best serve the long-term interests of your child, such as. If this sounds like something you are going through, I would advise you to talk openly and honestly with your kid about your problems. They should know why not support the idea that you do not think they do not care about their interests or do not believe that they live up to others expectations. If you just submit the arbitrary "no!" without explanation, your well-child can only complain.